December 03, 2013

Tjeerd Royaards, project between 300 students and 125 cartoonists

Tjeerd Royaards, Dutch, is master in Political Science and professional cartoonist. Editor-in-chief of Cartoon Movement since 2010 and member of the Board of Advisors of Cartoonist Rights Network International. 

Twitter: @royaards

A project between 300 students and 125 cartoonists
"In 2010, you organized a project where you connect 300 students between the age of 15 to 18 to 125 cartoonist from around the world and asked the students to come up with cartoon ideas related to the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. Would you tell us a little something of the project and how that turned out?
This project revolved around a collaboration between high school students and professional cartoonists Around themes related to the MDGs (like hunger or poverty, or human rights) we build a digital class room (which we call a newsroom), where we invite students to think on a particular subject by coming up with ideas for cartoons on this subject. Together with professional cartoonists they talk about the ideas, and vote for the submitted sketches. The best ideas are taken up by the cartoonists and transformed into professional cartoons. Out of all these cartoons we selected 98 to be published in a book; this book is now used by high schools in the Netherlands to teach students about the Millennium Development Goals." Interview with Angelo Lopez

In 2010, Tjeerd received a Citation for Excellence in the United Nations Political Cartoon Award. Global Justice, citizenship, capitalism and poverty are frequent issues in his cartoons.

European Development Aid, 2011

Message from the International Community, 2011

The power of cartoons, 2011

 Transforming nature, 2011

Freedom between the lines, 2013

Lampedusa, 2013

Pure life, 2013

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